Analyze objects for errors and repair possibilities.
Report errors in an object's data structure.
Report errors in an object's data structure as it is created or imported.
Select all objects that do not pass Check.
Open the Direction Analysis control and turn on direction analysis for curves, surfaces, and polysurfaces.
Highlight edges of surfaces and polysurfaces. Displays the Edge Analysis control.
Open the End Analysis control, and display the endpoints of curves.
Report the angle between two picked or defined lines.
The BoundingBox command creates a box that encloses selected objects or sub-objects.
Report the maximum and minimum distances between two curves.
Evaluate the curvature of a curve or surface.
Evaluate curve or surface curvature with a graph.
Report the diameter of a curve at a specified point.
Display and edit an object's normal direction.
Report the domain of a curve or surface.
Visually evaluate surface draft-angle using false-color analysis.
Place a point object on a surface the surface's draft angle break location.
Duplicate a curve's curvature graph.
Report information about object's data structure.
Report the radius of a curve.
Report object properties details.
Evaluate surface curvature using false-color analysis.
Visually evaluate surface smoothness using an image bitmap reflected in the surface.
Visually evaluate surface smoothness and continuity using a stripe map.
Report the u and v coordinates of a specified location on a surface.
Place point objects at focus locations of conic curves.
Report the geometric continuity between two curves.
Report the distance between points and a surface.
Use false-color display to evaluate the thickness of a solid.
Reverse the normal direction of a curve, surface, or mesh.
Open the Mesh Repair wizard.
Remove trim curves from trimmed surfaces.
Rhino 6 for Mac © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020