Extract mesh faces

The Extract Mesh Faces commands help to edit existing meshes by removing unwanted or unnecessary faces from the mesh. Mesh faces can be extracted using:


Toolbar Menu

Extract Mesh

Mesh Tools


Mesh Edit Tools >

Extract >


The ExtractMeshFaces command separates selected mesh faces from the parent mesh object.

This command works best in shaded mode, because you can pick the shaded mesh faces as well as the face edges.


Command-line options



Makes a copy of the selected mesh faces rather than extracting them from the parent mesh object.


Extracts the mesh faces leaving a hole in the parent mesh object.


Toolbar Menu

Extract Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Extract >

By Area

The ExtractMeshFacesByArea command separates mesh faces that are within a specified range of area from the parent mesh object.


Extract mesh faces by area options

Select faces larger than ___

Selects mesh faces with an area larger than the specified setting.

Select smallest face

Select a mesh face to set the area of the smallest face.

Select faces smaller than

Selects mesh faces with an area smaller than the specified setting.

Select largest face

Select a mesh face to set the area of the largest face.


Sets the amount the value is changed with each arrow click.

Select range from face

Select an example mesh face to set the size range. A range of ±10% of the area of the selected face is used.

Border only

Makes polylines out of the edges of the selected mesh faces instead of extracting them from the parent mesh object.

Extract a copy

Makes a copy of the selected mesh faces rather than extracting them from the parent mesh object.


Toolbar Menu

Extract Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Extract >

By Aspect Ratio

The ExtractMeshFacesByAspectRatio command separates mesh faces from the parent mesh object that are greater than the specified aspect ratio limit.

ExtractMeshFacesByAspectRatio finds mesh faces that are very long compared to their width. A ratio of 25:1 or above is considered long.

In the image, the extracted red faces have an aspect ratio of 9:1 or more.


Extract mesh faces by aspect ratio options

Aspect ratio ___ to 1

Set the target aspect ratio.


Sets the amount the value is changed with each arrow click.

Select aspect ratio from face

Select a mesh face to specify the Aspect Ratio value.

Border only

Makes polylines out of the edges of the selected mesh faces instead of extracting them from the parent mesh object.

Extract a copy

Makes a copy of the selected mesh faces rather than extracting them from the parent mesh object.


Toolbar Menu

Extract Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Extract >

By Draft Angle

The ExtractMeshFacesByDraftAngle command separates mesh faces from the parent mesh object based on the angle of the faces to the view.

ExtractMeshFacesByDraftAngle can split a mesh object for molds or to look for undercut areas. In the example, the mesh faces were selected in the top view.


Extract mesh faces by draft angle options

Start angle from camera direction

Sets the starting angle from the direction of the viewport camera.

End angle from camera direction

Sets the ending angle from the direction of the viewport camera.

Border only

Makes polylines out of the edges of the selected meshes instead of extracting them from the parent mesh object.

Extract a copy

Makes a copy of the selected mesh faces rather than extracting them from the parent mesh object.


Toolbar Menu

Extract Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Extract >

By Edge Length

The ExtractMeshFacesByEdgeLength command separates mesh faces from the parent mesh object that have an edge length greater or less than a specified value.

ExtractMeshFacesByEdgeLength removes small or large mesh faces that do not belong in the mesh object.

In the example image, the extracted red faces have an edge length shorter than 0.1.


Extract mesh faces by edge length options

Edge length

Sets the mesh edge length to compare.

Select edge

Pick a mesh edge to specify the edge length you want.


Sets the amount the value is changed with each arrow click.

Select edges:
Shorter than edge length

Selects mesh faces with an edge length shorter than the Edge length setting.

Longer than edge length

Selects mesh faces with an edge length longer than the Edge length setting.

Border only

Makes polylines out of the edges of the selected mesh faces instead of extracting them from the parent mesh object.

Extract a copy

Makes a copy of the selected mesh faces rather than extracting them from the parent mesh object.


Toolbar Menu

Extract Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Tools >

Extract >


The ExtractConnectedMeshFaces command separates mesh faces from the parent mesh object that are connected to a selected face.

The ExtractConnectedMeshFaces command extracts a set of mesh faces from a joined mesh object based on a specified break angle. This can be used to extract a series of mesh faces that make up a planar surface in a mesh object or to extract set of faces that make up a coherent feature in the mesh.


  1. Select mesh faces, and press Enter.
  2. Adjust options to get the selection you want.

Extract connected mesh faces options

Extract faces connected with angle

Sets the angle between mesh faces for selection.

Less than / Greater than ___ degrees



Sets the amount the value is changed with each arrow click.

Select faces to measure angle

Select two mesh faces to specify the angle you want.

Border only

Makes polylines out of the edges of the selected mesh faces instead of extracting them from the parent mesh object.

Extract a copy

Makes a copy of the selected mesh faces rather than extracting them from the parent mesh object.

Edit Selection

Click to select a different mesh face.


Toolbar Menu

Extract Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Extract >


The ExtractDuplicateMeshFaces command separates duplicated mesh faces from the parent mesh object.



Toolbar Menu

Extract Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Extract >


The ExtractMeshPart command extracts all mesh faces radiating out from the selected face to naked or unwelded edges in the parent mesh object.


See also

Collapse mesh faces and vertices

Extract object sub-elements

Edit mesh objects

White paper: Scan, Cleanup, Remodel




Rhino 6 for Mac © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020