What do you want to do?

Start Rhino

Starting Rhino with shortcuts, schemes, and "safe mode"

Learn about the Rhino interface

Examine the Rhino Window

Learn how to navigate

Select objects

Model with precision

Create curves, surfaces, and solids

Draw curves and lines

Create curves from other objects

Draw point objects

Create solid objects

Create surfaces

Fillet, blend, or chamfer between curves and surfaces

Edit curves, surfaces, and solids

Select objects

Edit curves

Edit surfaces

Edit solid objects

Edit objects using control points

Edit objects using history

Create and edit holes in surfaces

Extend curves and surfaces

Extract object sub-elements

Extrude curves and surfaces

Flatten curves and surfaces

Undo and redo actions

Boolean objects

Split and trim curves and surfaces

Copy and duplicate objects

Array objects

Copy and duplicate objects

Move objects

Transform objects

Transform objects

Use Universal Deformation Technology (UDT)

Use modeling aids to model with precision

Use construction planes

Use modeling aids

Work with meshes

Draw mesh objects

Edit mesh objects

Extract and collapse mesh faces and vertices

Manage files

Work with files

Manage document properties

Manage Rhino options

Manage viewports and views

Set viewport display modes

Navigate in the viewports

Manage viewports

Use text and annotation

Use drafting tools

Use paper layouts

Use dots, text, and dimensions for annotation

Manage layers, blocks, groups, and object properties

Use layers

Work with blocks and groups

Use worksessions

Manage object properties

Manage object visibility

Analyze objects

Analyze objects

Measure objects

Analyze an object's mass properties

Render and animate scenes

Add lights for rendering

Use materials and textures

Render your model scene

Save viewport images

Animate views

Use utility functions

Use a digitizing arm

Use the Clipboard

Import and export objects

Use scripting to extend functionality

Customize the toolbar layout

Utility functions

Get more help

Help and technical support


Rhinoceros 5 © 2010-2015 Robert McNeel & Associates. 17-Sep-2015