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Match Wallpaper Image

The PerspectiveMatch command manually matches the perspective view to the image used as the viewport wallpaper.


  1. Use Wallpaper (ViewportProperties) to place an image in a perspective viewport.
  2. Click in the viewport with the wallpaper image to make it the active viewport, and type PerspectiveMatch.
  3. Carefully pick a location on the wallpaper image, and then carefully pick the corresponding 3-D location on the model.
  4. Pick pairs of image and 3-D points until you have at least six pairs, and press Enter.


  • The image must be a true perspective image. Photos taken with lenses that remove perspective distortion will not work.
  • The Center of the image must be on the camera's viewing axis. In particular, an image or photo that has had non-symmetric cropping will not work because the Center of the resulting image is not the same as the Center of the original image.
  • Pick carefully. Accurate picking is rewarded with accurate results.
  • Make the image view large. This aids in accurate image location picking.
  • If possible, pick point pairs where an end or point snap can be used to select the 3-D point. This aids in accurate 3-D point picking.
  • Pick locations that are spread out in all dimensions.

See also

Navigate in the viewports