Set up a three-viewport workspace.
Set up a four-viewport workspace.
Create a new viewport.
Create a new free-floating viewport.
Toggle the viewport between docked and floating.
Set the viewport layout to match that of another model.
Maximize the active viewport.
Close the active viewport.
Activate a named viewport.
Maximize a named viewport inside the application window.
Activate the next viewport.
Activate the next viewport with an orthogonal projection.
Activate the next viewport with a perspective projection.
Activate the previous viewport.
Bring a viewport to the front.
Display the next viewport in front of all other viewports.
Send a named viewport behind all viewports.
Divide a viewport horizontally into two viewports.
Divide a viewport vertically into two viewports.
Title, size, projection, camera and target, lens length, wallpaper.
Display a tab control UI along the viewport edge.
Hide menus, status bar, toolbars, command prompt, and windows title bar and maximize the Rhino window.
Minimize the Rhino application window.
Maximize the Rhino application window.
Restore the application window from being maximized.
See also
Rhinoceros 5 © 2010-2015 Robert McNeel & Associates. 17-Sep-2015