
The RotateView command rotates the view camera around the target.


Specify a command line option.

Command-line options


Rotate the view camera down.


Rotate the view camera left.


Rotate the view camera right.


Rotate the view camera up.

Mouse navigation in perspective views

Drag with the right mouse button.

Note: Views that are not looking perpendicular to the construction plane rotate with the right mouse button.

Constrain to horizontal or vertical

Shift +drag with the right mouse button.

Shift +

Mouse navigation in parallel views

Ctrl + Shift +drag with the right mouse button.

Ctrl + Shift +

Constrain to horizontal or vertical

Release Shift or Ctrl while rotating, and then press Shift again to lock the direction.

See also

View options

Manage pan, zoom, named views rotate, dynamic redraw, viewport linking, single-click maximize, default lens length options.

Navigate in the viewports

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