
The Rectangle command draws a closed rectangular polyline.

Rectangle options


The default option draws the base rectangle using two opposite corners.

Default steps

1. Pick the first corner.
2. Pick the other corner or type a length.
Tip: Hold Shift to draw a square.


The 3Point option draws the rectangle using two adjacent corner locations and a location on the opposite side.

3Point steps

1. Pick the start of an edge.
2. Pick the end of the edge.
3. Pick or type the width.


The Vertical option draws the rectangle perpendicular to the construction plane.

Vertical steps

1. Pick the start of the edge.
2. Pick the end of the edge.
3. Pick or type a width.


The Center option draws the rectangle around a center point.

Center steps

1. Pick the center.
2. Pick the other corner or type a length.


The Rounded option rounds the corners of the rectangle with arcs or conic sections.

Rounded steps

Pick the radius of the rounded corner.

Rounded options



Rounded corners are circular arcs.


Rounded corners are conic sections.

See also

Draw lines and curves

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