
The MakePeriodic command removes kinks from a curve or surface.

Periodic curve

A periodic curve is a smooth closed curve. Periodic curves stay smooth when you edit them.

Periodic Surface

Periodic surfaces are closed surfaces (such as a cylindrical surface) that can be deformed without developing kinks. Periodic surfaces are automatically created when the input curves are periodic.

Periodic surface


Periodic surfaces and curves deform smoothly without kinks.
If a joined curve is made periodic, it becomes a single-span curve and can no longer explode.
Use the Object Properties, Details to check whether or not a curve is closed and periodic.


Select the objects.

Command-line options


Controls kink removal.

Note: this option is only available when objects have not been selected.

The Yes option smooths any kinks in the curve and moves control points to make a smooth curve.

If No, control point locations are not changed or changed minimally (only one point may move) and only the knot vector is altered.

Smooth=Yes (left) and Smooth=No (right.


The MakeNonPeriodic command inserts a kink at the start/end of a curve or surface.

Non-periodic curve

A non-periodic curve is a closed curve with a kink at the start/end of the curve. Deforming non-periodic curves near the start of the curve may result in kinks.

Non-periodic surface

A non-periodic surface is a closed surface with a kink at the start/end of the surface. Deforming non-periodic surfaces near the start of the surface may result in kinks. Non-periodic surfaces are automatically created when the input curves are non-periodic.

Non-periodic surface

Note: Non-periodic surfaces and curves deform with sharp corners at kinks.


Select the objects.

See also

Edit curves

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