Selecting Objects

Most operations you will do in Rhino require you to select one or more objects. Objects can be selected by clicking anywhere on the object. Click away from the object to deselect it. This method lets you select one object at a time.

Shift keyTo select additional objects

4 Hold the Shift key while clicking the objects.

Command keyTo remove objects from the selection

4 Hold the Command ⌘ key and click the objects again.

Esc keyTo cancel the selection

4 Click away from the objects or press the Esc key.

Open command iconPractice selecting objects

1. Open the tutorial model Select Objects.3dm.

2. In the Perspective viewport, click to select the sphere.


3. Hold the Shift key and select the cylinder.

The cylinder is added to the selection.


4. Hold the Command ⌘ key and click the sphere again.

The sphere is removed from the selection.


5. Click away from the objects, or press the Esc key.

The selection is canceled.


Select objects with windows

Another method is to make a window selection or a crossing selection to select multiple objects in one operation.

You can click in an open area of the screen and drag to create a selection window. To make a window selection click in an open area of the screen and drag to the right. To make a crossing selection click in an open area of the screen and drag to the left.

A window selection, selects all objects completely enclosed by the window. A crossing selection, selects all objects that are enclosed by the window or any object the window crosses.

To add objects, hold the Shift key while making a window or crossing selection.

To remove objects, hold the Command ⌘ key while making a window or crossing selection.

Practice window and crossing select

1. In the Perspective viewport, click and drag a window around the sphere.


2. In the Perspective viewport, hold the Shift key then click and drag a window around the box and the cylinder.

The cylinder and box are added to the selection.


3. In the Perspective viewport, hold the Command ⌘ key then click and drag a crossing over the box and cylinder.

The cylinder and box are removed from the selection.


Other ways of selecting

Rhino has many commands and methods for selecting objects. You can select object by name, layer, color, type; by capturing with boundaries or crossing fences; by volume shapes, by group name and many others. Review the help topic Selection commands.

Practice selection by object type

1. In the Value box, type SelAll.

2. Type SelNone.

This clears the objects from the selection.

3. Type SelSrf.

This selects all surfaces. In this case, only the sphere is a surface.

4. Type SelPolysurface.

This adds all polysurfaces to the selection. In this case, the cylinder and box are polysurfaces.

5. Press the Esc key.

This also clears the selection.

Sub-object selection

You can select sub-parts of objects for use in commands, for example, select a surface edge to use as input for a Loft or ExtrudeCrv operation. The available parts include polysurface faces; surface and polysurface edge curves; control points; mesh vertices, faces, boundaries, and edges; and objects within a group. Review the help topic for Sub-object selection.

To select parts of objects for use with other commands

4 Press and hold both the Command ⌘ and Shift keys at the same time and click an object part.

Practice sub-object selection

1. In the Perspective viewport, press the Command ⌘ and Shift keys and click a face of the box.

The face you select highlights.

2. Press the Delete key.

The face of the box is separated from the box solid and deleted.