Text fields are a feature for text and leaders. Text fields are formulas that are evaluated while Rhino is running and the result is displayed in the text. All text fields are in the syntax of %<field and options>%. When a formula cannot be evaluated an error string of #### is displayed.
Area of a closed curve, hatch, surface, or mesh.
id is the guid of an existing object in the document.
Displays the number of blocks of the specified name.
displays the number of blocks named "apple" in the model.
Length of a curve.
id is the guid of an existing curve in the document.
Current date.
The date format can be any of the following strings:
%<date("d")>% = 08/17/2000
%<date("D")>% = Thursday, August 17, 2000
%<date("f")>% = Thursday, August 17, 2000 16:32
%<date("F")>% = Thursday, August 17, 2000 16:32:32
%<date("g")>% = 08/17/2000 16:32
%<date("G")>% = 08/17/2000 16:32:32
%<date("m")>% = August 17
%<date("r")>% = Thu, 17 Aug 2000 23:32:32 GMT
%<date("s")>% = 2000-08-17T16:32:32
%<date("t")>% = 16:32
%<date("T")>% = 16:32:32
%<date("dddd, MMMM dd yyyy")>% = Thursday, August 17 2000
%<date("ddd, MMM d 'yy")>% = Thu, Aug 17 '00
%<date("dddd, MMMM dd")>% = Thursday, August 17
%<date("M/yy")>% = 8/00
%<date("dd-MM-yy")>% = 17-08-00
Date this file was last saved.
Same as date.
Document text from the document.
key is the key for the DocumentText value to retrieve.
Path to the file.
%<filename>% - creates the full path to the model
%<filename("0")>% - creates the full path to the model
%<filename("1")>% - short filename (includes file extension)
%<filename("2")>% - full path to model without file extension
%<filename("3")>% - short filename without extension
The number parameter is a mask to turn on certain features:
1 = short file name
2 = no extension
1+2 = 3 = short filename + no extension
Active model units.
Contents of the Notes.
Number of layout pages in the document.
Displays the object or block name if there is one.
Current layout name.
Current layout number.
Usertext for a given object / key combination.
id is the guid of an existing object in the document.
key if the key of the UserText for the value to retrieve.
Rhino for Mac © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 24-Oct-2017