Texture context menu

Edit In Place

Opens the setting page of the texture type.

Save as image...

Saves the texture to a bitmap image.


  1. Select a bitmap format.

  2. Set the width and height of the image.

    Alpha channel can be included if the selected format supports it.

Save to File

Saves the texture to a Rhino texture file (.rtex).

When more than one texture is selected, you will be asked to select a folder to save multiple .rtex files at once.


Copies the selected item to the Clipboard.


Creates a new item based on the contents of the Clipboard.

Paste as Instance

Creates a new item based on the contents of the Clipboard. The new item will be linked to the original item.


Selects a different texture.


Deletes the texture.

Edit Floating

Edits the selected item in a separate dialog.


Pops up the Render Content Tag dialog to manage tags. Tags group or categorize items to make searching easier.

Remove Instancing

Removes the connection between instanced items.