Rhino (.3dm) Import/Export

Opening Rhino files

The current version of Rhino will open files from any previous Rhino version and Rhino backup files (.3dm.bak and .3dmbak).

Missing font detection

Rhino detects if any of the fonts used in annotation styles or objects are missing on the system when opening 3dm files. If missing fonts are detected, a warning dialog appears, and the details are listed in the command history. Missing fonts will display with a substitute font. The substitute font does not replace the missing fonts unless you change them.

Don't show this message again

Enable this checkbox to stop showing the warning dialog.

Set Rhino.Warnings.MissingFontWarning=True in Advanced settings to show the warning dialog again.

Saving Rhino files

The current version of Rhino will save to any previous Rhino version files except V1.x.

To save a model as an earlier Rhino file:

  1. From the File menu, click Export Selected or Save As.
  2. In the dialog box, in the Save as type box, select the Rhino version.
  3. In the File name box, type a file name.

Saving as Rhino 7

When saving to Rhino 7 files, new data in Rhino 8 files will be lost. Details...

Saving as Rhino 6

When saving to Rhino 6 files, the following changes take place:

Saving as Rhino 5

When saving to Rhino 5 files, the following changes take place:

Saving as Rhino 4

When saving to Rhino 4 files, the following changes take place:

Saving as Rhino 3

When saving as Rhino 3, the following changes take place:

The following data is not saved:

Saving as Rhino 2

When saving as Rhino 2, the following changes take place:




Rhino 8 for Mac © 2010-2024 Robert McNeel & Associates. 25-Jun-2024