
Toolbar Menu

Curve Tools

Surface Tools



 History enabled

The Rebuild command reconstructs selected curves or surfaces to a specified degree and control point number.


Curves and extrusion objects

To rebuild curves

  1. Click Preview to see what the rebuilt curves will look like.
  2. When you are satisfied with the results, click OK.


Rebuild options

Point count

Reports in parentheses the current number and sets the number of control points in the result.


Reports in parentheses the current number and sets the degree of the curve. Degree in Rhino can be up to 11.

Point count and Degree values change automatically to fulfill the minimum requirement of Point count = Degree + 1. For example, when Point count=4 and Degree=3, reducing Point count also reduces Degree; increasing Degree also increases Point count. In closed curves/surfaces, the start and end points are overlapped and counted as one. They have one less point than open curves/surfaces.

Delete Input

Deletes the original geometry.

 History enabled

History is supported when Delete Input is unchecked.

Create new object on current layer

Creates the new objects on the current layer. Clear this check box to place the new objects on the layer of the original curves.

Preserve end tangent directions

The new curve matches the input curve end tangents if the curve is open, the degree is two or more, and the point count is four or more.

Make SubD friendly

Makes the output curve compatible with SubD. Details...

When this option is enabled, the Degree option is disabled. The output curve can only be degree 3.

Select Master Curve

Rebuild a curve to match another curve's parameter structure. The SubD friendly state of the master curve will be ignored.

The Loft, Sweep1 and Sweep2 commands create a better surface from section curves with the same parameter structure.

Span counts

Reports in parentheses the minimum number of spans and the proposed number of spans.

Maximum deviation

Reports the maximum deviation from the original curve when Preview is clicked.


Displays a preview of the output.

If you change the settings, click the Preview button again to refresh the display.

To access hidden command-line options

Command-line options


Type subcrv to select part of a curve as input.


To rebuild surfaces

  1. Click Preview to see what the rebuilt surfaces will look like.
  2. When you are satisfied with the results, click OK.

Rebuild Surface Options

Point count


Reports in parentheses the current number and sets the number of points in the u direction.


Reports in parentheses the current number and sets the number of points in the v direction.



Reports in parentheses the current number and sets the degree in the u direction.


Reports in parentheses the current number and sets the degree in the v direction.

Point count and Degree values change automatically to fulfill the minimum requirement of Point count = Degree + 1. For example, when Point count=4 and Degree=3, reducing Point count also reduces Degree; increasing Degree also increases Point count. In closed curves/surfaces, the start and end points are overlapped and counted as one. They have one less point than open curves/surfaces.



Deletes the original geometry.

Current Layer

Creates the new surfaces on the current layer. Clear this checkbox to place the new surfaces on the layer of the original surfaces.


Trims the rebuilt surface with the original trimming curves.

Span counts


Reports in parentheses the minimum number of spans and the proposed number of spans in the u direction.


Reports in parentheses the minimum number of spans and the proposed number of spans in the v direction.

Maximum deviation

Reports the maximum deviation from the original surface.


The calculation tests how far away the new surface is at knot line intersections and half-way between knot lines. Conducts tests at knot line intersections and halfway between knot lines.

The display color indicates how far away the new surface is from the original. Points are green if the surface is within absolute tolerance, yellow if it is between tolerance and 10 times tolerance, and red if it is farther away than that.


Displays a preview of the output.

If you change the settings, click the Preview button again to refresh the display.


Toolbar Menu

Surface Tools

Not on menus.

The RebuildUV command reconstructs selected surfaces to degree 3, with a specified control point number, in either the u or v direction. The surface structure in the other direction is left unchanged.


Command-line options

(Surfaces only)

Specify the u, v, or both directions.


Specifies the number of control points in the result.



The surface control points are created at the same locations as the control points of the original. This is a good option if the control points will be edited later.


The surface has an average amount of stretching between the curves. This is a good choice when the curves are proceeding in a relatively straight path or there is a lot of space between the curves.

Straight sections

Creates a ruled surface. The sections between the curves are straight.


The surface closely follows the original. This is a good choice when the input curves are going around a corner.


Makes the object knot vectors uniform.



Deletes the original geometry.


Retains the original geometry.


The output will be on the current layer.


Trims the rebuilt surface with the original trimming curves.


Toolbar Menu

Curve Tools

Not on menus.

The RebuildCrvNonUniform command interactively modifies selected curves by non-uniformly re-spacing the control points.


  1. Select the curves.
  2. Drag the points on the curves.
  3. Click the direction arrows to reverse the curve direction.
Command-line options


Specifies the maximum distance the rebuilt curves can deviate from the originals. If you do not provide enough control points, the rebuilt curves may deviate more than RequestedTolerance from the originals.

The maximum deviation from the original curves is reported at the command line and marked with a point on the curve.


Specifies the maximum number of control points per curve used to rebuild.


Displays two more controls along each curve to influence how the RebuildCrvNonUniform command distributes control points. The controls at the end of the curves can be used to shorten the resulting curves.



Deletes the original geometry.


Retains the original geometry.


Resets the editing points to their original locations.


Type subcrv to select part of a curve as input.

See also

Edit surfaces




Rhino 8 for Mac © 2010-2024 Robert McNeel & Associates. 25-Jun-2024