View toolbar

To open a toolbar...


Move the camera location and change the lens length at the same time.


Adjust the lens length of the viewport camera in a perspective view.


Sets the active construction plane according to the current view direction to accommodate single-window modeling.


Shift the location of the view camera and target parallel to the view plane.


Rotate the view camera around the target.


Rotate the view target around the camera.


Disable screen redraw, construction plane, and view changes during scripts.


Enable screen redraw, construction plane, and view changes during scripts.

Set rotate increment

Set the view rotate step size for keyboard rotation.


Rotate the view around the view axis.

Toggle linked views

Enables real-time view synchronization.

Turntable, One cycle

Rotates a view around the target one time.


Undo the last view change.


Reverse the last UndoView.


Move the viewport camera so the area defined by a window selection fills the viewport.

Zoom, Target

Zoom the view by specifying a target and window.

Zoom 1To1

Zoom the active viewport so that the view is full scale.


Calibrate the screen for the Zoom command, 1To1 option.

Zoom Dynamic

Zoom the view as you drag the mouse.

Zoom, Factor

Zoom the view in or out the specified amount.

Zoom Extents

Zoom the view to show all objects.

Zoom, All Extents

Zoom the view to show all objects in all viewports.

Zoom Selected

Zoom the view to show all selected objects.

Zoom All Selected

Zoom all viewports to show all selected objects.