Render Libraries

Rhinoceros > Preferences > Render Libraries

The Libraries settings set the folder locations for materials, textures and environments libraries on this computer.


Show render content

Changes the default location of content libraries for this computer.

Use default library location

By default, the content libraries are a subfolder of the My Documents folder.


Sets a custom library location.


Select a folder for custom content libraries.

Show "Documents" folder

In the Libraries panel, the designated Documents folder will display in the menu.

Show custom folders

In the Libraries panel, designated custom folders will display in the menu.


Add a new folder to the list.


Delete the selected folder from the list.

Move Up

Move the selected folder up in the list.

Move Down

Move the selected folder down in the list.

Initial folder

Last opened folder
Render content folder
Custom Folder

Related command


Toolbar Menu Panel Gear Menu

Render Tools


Floating Panels >

Show Libraries Panel


The Libraries command opens the Libraries panel, to manage libraries of materials, textures, and environments.

  • Render content can be saved to files creating external libraries that can be shared between models.

  • The Libraries panel displays a view into the content folders you have set up.

  • Drag and drop content items into the model to embed the content items.

  • Content items can also be dragged between Rhino sessions or into a folder.

    Content items can also be dragged between Rhino sessions.

  • Set up content libraries in Preferences > Render Libraries.

  • When a material or an environment is added to a model from the Libraries panel, and the material or environment contains texture images that do not exist on the local computer, Rhino will download the texture images from the Internet. The DownloadLibraryTextures command downloads all online contents to the computer for offline use.

  • Materials (*.rmtl), textures (*.rtex), and environments (*.renv) are stored in the Render Content folder by default. You can copy the files in the folder from a version of Rhino to another. Render contents may not be fully compatible between different versions.

To find the Render Content folder

  1. In Finder, select Go > Go to Folder.

  2. Copy and paste the path below to open the folder.

    ~/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros

  3. Browse to [Version] > Render Content

Libraries Panel

Folder menu

Render Content

Opens the Render Content folder.


Opens the Documents folder.

Custom folders

The folders added in Rhino Preferences > Render Libraries.

Add current folder

Adds the current folder to the menu.


Opens the Rhino Preferences > Render Libraries page.

Download all library textures

Runs the DownloadLibraryTextures command which runs through the entire list of materials in the material library and downloads all of the required bitmap files from the Rhino server to the local computer. After that, any material can be used from the library without being online.

Right-click context menu

Right-click an item in the Libraries panel to select actions.

Save preferences for use on other computers


Save Preferences settings and customized Tool Palette Sets to a file.


Restore selected application Preferences settings and customized Tool Palette Sets from the saved file.

See also