Moray UDO (.udo) export

Moray is an interactive shareware wireframe modeler for the PC platform, supporting POV-Ray 3.5.

To save as or export a Rhino model

  1. On the File menu, click Export Selected or Save As.
  2. In the dialog box, the Files of type list displays the currently supported file types for export.
  3. In the Files of type box, select the supported file type.
  4. In the File name box, select or type a file name.
  5. Specify what is to be saved.
  6. Options

    Save small

    Though clearing the render meshes makes the file smaller, it will shade and render more slowly the next time you open the file.

    Save geometry only

    Saves geometry objects only. No layers, materials, properties, notes, or units settings are saved. This is similar to exporting the objects. A new file is made, but it does not become your active Rhino model.

    Save textures

    Embeds external textures used by materials, environments and decals into the model.

    Save plugin data Saves data attached to objects or the document by plug-in applications.
  7. If the export can be configured, click the Options button to specify export settings.
  8. If the file type creates only mesh objects, in the Polygon Mesh Objects dialog box, specify the mesh settings.


  • Moray supports object names. Moray UDO export uses the first 40 characters of a string layer_name_object_name. The 40-character limitation is defined in the POV-Ray specifications. If multiple objects share one name, Moray UDO automatically numbers the objects.
  • Use this format if you want to define POV-Ray textures, and if you want to set other POV -Ray specific information in Moray UDO.
  • When you export to Moray UDO, Rhino creates a .udo file and a .inc file. Exporting the .udo file to &/Moray For Windows/PovScn/ folder seems to help you avoid the hassle of having to move the .inc file before rendering.
  • To import the object into Moray UDO, from the Moray Create menu, click User Defined.
  • The wireframe view in Moray UDO is a line approximation of the wireframe you see in Rhino.

See also
