Collapse mesh faces

The collapse mesh faces commands help to edit existing meshes by removing unwanted or unnecessary faces from the mesh. Mesh faces can be collapsed using:


Toolbar Menu

Collapse Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Collapse >


The CollapseMeshFace command moves the vertices of a mesh face to a single vertex.



Toolbar Menu

Collapse Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Collapse >

By Area

The CollapseMeshFacesByArea command moves the vertices of mesh faces that have a surface area greater or less than a specified value to a single vertex.


Collapse mesh faces by area options

Select faces larger than ___

Selects faces with an area larger than the specified setting.

Select smallest face

Select a mesh face to set the area of the smallest face.

Select faces smaller than

Selects faces with an area smaller than the specified setting.

Select largest face

Select a mesh face to set the area of the largest face.


Sets the amount the Area value is changed with each arrow click.

Select range from face

Select an example face to set the size range. A range of ±10% of the area of the selected face is used.


Toolbar Menu

Collapse Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Collapse >

By Aspect Ratio

The CollapseMeshFacesByAspectRatio command moves the vertices of mesh faces that are greater than a specified ratio of length to width to a single vertex.

A ratio of 25:1 or above is considered long.


Collapse mesh faces by aspect ratio options

Aspect ratio ___ to 1

Set the target aspect ratio.


Sets the amount the Aspect ratio value is changed with each arrow click.

Select aspect ratio from face

Select a mesh face to specify the Aspect Ratio value.


Toolbar Menu

Collapse Mesh


Mesh Edit Tools >

Collapse >

By Edge Length

The CollapseMeshFacesByEdgeLength command moves the vertices of mesh edges that are greater or less than a specified length to a single vertex.


Collapse mesh faces by edge length options

Edge length

Sets the edge length to compare.

Select edge

Pick a mesh edge to specify the edge length you want.


Sets the amount the Edge length value is changed with each arrow click.

Select edges:
Shorter than edge length

Selects faces with an edge length shorter than the Edge length setting.

Longer than edge length

Selects faces with an edge length longer than the Edge length setting.

See also

Collapse mesh faces and vertices

Extract object sub-elements

Edit mesh objects

White paper: Scan, Cleanup, Remodel




Rhino 6 for Mac © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020