InfinitePlane (IPlane)

工具列 功能表



The InfinitePlane command offers a way to intersect any plane with objects to return curves or points. This includes construction planes, planar surfaces geometry, and planes defined on-the-fly.


InfinitePlane as input for commands

The InfinitePlane option offers a way to intersect any plane (extended to infinity) with objects to return curves or points. This includes construction planes, planar surfaces geometry, and planes defined on-the-fly.



  1. 在任何指令要求選取一個曲面的時候,輸入 InfinitePlane or IP
  2. At the prompts, select planar object to use for creating a pseudo-infinite plane: a planar curve, surface, polysurface face, a single polygon mesh, a clipping plane, a named construction plane, or draw a plane.




Rhinoceros 6 © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 10-一月-2018