Texture thumbnail browser context menu

Create New Texture

Creates a new basic blank texture.

Import Texture from File

Imports textures from a saved Rhino .rtex file.


Creates a new texture based on the contents of the Clipboard.

Paste as Instance

Creates a new texxture based on the contents of the Clipboard that is linked to the original through instancing.


Displays the previews as a grid of thumbnails.


Displays the previews as a list of thumbnails.


Displays the previews as a tree showing nesting.

Horizontal Layout

Displays the previews to the left of the controls.

Show Preview Pane

Displays the preview properties for the currently-selected thumbnail. Set the preview geometry, size, background, rotation behavior.


Floats the preview image in a re-sizable window.



Sets the thumbnail size to the smallest size.


Sets the thumbnail size to medium size.


Sets the thumbnail size to large size.

Show Labels

Displays thumbnail name labels when in Grid mode.

List mode always displays labels.

Show Units

Displays size in model units.

Auto-Update Preview

Automatically updates all previews as settings change.

Update All Previews

Update previews manually when Auto-Update Preview is off.

Rhinoceros 5 © 2010-2015 Robert McNeel & Associates. 17-Sep-2015