documentpropertiesbutton.pngDocument Properties: Flamingo nXt

These settings apply to the current model only. There is a trade-off between the time required to complete a rendering, and the quality desired.

To change settings

On the Flamingo nXt menu, click Document Properties.


Use materials

Renders using materials created in Flamingo nXt and Rhino materials. Objects that have no material assignment render white.

Use object color

Renders using the colors assigned through Rhino object or layer color.

Note: Both Use materials and Use object color can be checked. In this case, objects that have materials assigned will use those materials. Other objects will render using their object or layer color.



Determines how many levels of reflections are permitted; in other words, how many times a light ray will reflect off objects. A setting of 0 disables reflections. Higher values cause longer rendering times.


Determines how many levels of refractions are permitted; in other words, how many times a light ray will refract off objects. A setting of 0 disables refractions. Higher values cause longer rendering times.


Determines how many levels of indirect light are permitted; in other words, how many times an indirect light ray will bounce off objects. A setting of 0 disables reflections. Higher values cause longer rendering times.

Display in rendered viewports

Note: These settings only affect viewports using Rhino's Rendered display mode. To see these objects in a rendered image, use Post Effects.


Curves display in rendered viewports.

Dimensions and text

Dimensions and text display in rendered viewports.


Isocurves display in rendered viewports.

Mesh edges

Mesh edges display in rendered viewports.


Use lights on layers that are off

Uses lights on layers that are turned off and hidden lights.

Render constraints

Sets the default time and number of passes constraints. These may be changed using the controls in the Render Window.

Setting the Number of passes and Time to 0 allows the rendering to continue until you click Stop Rendering.


Specifies the amount of time in Hours/Minutes/Seconds the render will continue to process.

Note: The rendering stops after the last pass after the time limit has been reached. If you click Resume Rendering, the rendering will continue for one additional pass.

Number of passes

Specifies the number of rendering passes the render will process.

Note: Any time you click Resume Rendering, the counter for the number of passes is reset. For example, if you set the number of passes to 10 and stop the rendering after pass 8, the rendering will continue until it reaches 18 passes. If you allow the rendering to complete the 10 passes and then click Resume Rendering, the rendering will continue until it reaches 20 passes.