Rhino (.3dm) 匯出至舊版本
開啟 Rhino 檔案
目前版本的 Rhino 可以開啟任何舊版的檔案與備份檔案 (.3dm.bak 與 .3dmbak)。
將模型儲存為舊版的 Rhino 檔案:
From the File menu, click Export Selected or Save As. |
在彈出的對話框的存檔類型欄位選擇 Rhino 的版本。 |
In the File name box, type a file name. |
Saving as Rhino 5
Saving as Rhino 4
When saving to Rhino 4 files, the following changes take place:
次要的變更:物件的顯示順序、操作軸的外掛程式資訊...等。 |
Saving as Rhino 3
When saving as Rhino 3, the following changes take place:
Rhino 3.0 的圖層、材質、物件的內容都較為簡單。 |
Saving as Rhino 2
When saving as Rhino 2, the following changes take place:
Objects that contain non-NURBS geometry (spheres, cylinders, arcs, circles, etc.) are converted into NURBS objects. Sometimes this results in some less precise trimming curves. In particular, some geometry does not round trip to Rhino 2 and back. |
儲存為 2.0 版的檔案時,圖層、材質、物件內容的某些資訊會被刪除。 |