Open Inventor import (.iv) import

Open Inventor is a C++ object-oriented retained mode 3-D graphics toolkit designed by Silicon Graphics to provide a higher layer of programming for OpenGL. Its main goals are better programmer convenience and efficiency.


To open, import, insert, and attach a file as a worksession

  1. From the File menu, click Open or Import.
  2. In the Open dialog box, select the supported file type.
  3. If the import can be configured, click the Options button to specify import settings.
  4. Click Open, or press Enter.
    When Rhino opens a non-3dm model, the title bar reflects the name of the model that was opened. When the model is saved for the first time, this model name is entered as the file name.

See also

Wikipedia: Open Inventor




Rhino for Mac © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 24-Oct-2017