
Toolbar Menu




 History enabled

The Leader command draws an annotation leader with arrowhead and attached text.


  1. Pick the head of the leader.
    This is the arrow end.
  2. Pick the next points of the leader.
  3. Press Enter to end the command.
  4. In the dialog box, type text for the leader.

Leader Text

Text display

Type the leader text.

Context Menu options

Text Field

Text fields are formulas that are evaluated while Rhino is running and the result is displayed in the text. All text fields are in the syntax of %<field and options>%. When a formula cannot be evaluated an error string of #### is displayed.

Note: If text fields are used, the text string will not automatically wrap. Manual line feeds can be used to wrap the text.


Enters a degree symbol (°) into the text.


Enters a radius symbol (R) into the text.


Enters a diameter symbol (Ø) into the text.


Enters a plus/minus symbol (±) into the text.

Toggle stacking brackets

The toggle stacking brackets button is a shortcut to add or remove [[...]] around text selected in the edit box. Stacking brackets will make the text between them stack, so that [[1/2]] will display as a stacked fraction.

Match (Properties panel only)

Select an annotation to match.

Leader Properties

Manages object properties for the selected leaders.


Text display

The current leader text.

Context Menu options

Text Field

Text fields are formulas that are evaluated while Rhino is running and the result is displayed in the text. All text fields are in the syntax of %<field and options>%. When a formula cannot be evaluated an error string of #### is displayed.

Note: If text fields are used, the text string will not automatically wrap. Manual line feeds can be used to wrap the text.


Enters a degree symbol (°) into the text.


Enters a radius symbol (R) into the text.


Enters a diameter symbol (Ø) into the text.


Enters a plus/minus symbol (±) into the text.

Toggle stacking brackets

The toggle stacking brackets button is a shortcut to add or remove [[...]] around text selected in the edit box. Stacking brackets will make the text between them stack, so that [[1/2]] will display as a stacked fraction.

Match (Properties panel only)

Select an annotation to match.


Sets the dimension style.

Property Overrides

Replaces style settings with specified settings for the selected annotation or leader.

Save As New Style

Saves the changes made with Property Overrides as a new dimension style.

Edit Style

Opens Annotation Style Document Properties.


Changes the leader properties to match a different leader.


Toolbar Menu


Not on menus.

The Arrowhead command modifies the end of a curve to an arrowhead shape.

The arrowhead size cannot be changed.


See also

Use text and dimensions for annotation




Rhino for Mac © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 24-Oct-2017