
Toolbar Menu Application Toolbar



Not on menus.


The Gumball command displays the gumball widget on a selected object facilitating move, scale, and rotate transformations around the gumball origin.


Object actions

Gumball controls

 Axis plane indicator

 Free move origin

 Menu ball

Move arrows

 Move X

 Move Y

 Move Z

Rotation arcs

 Rotate X

 Rotate Y

 Rotate Z

Scale handles

 Scale X

 Scale Y

 Scale Z



Axis plane indicator (1)
Gumball origin (2)
Menu ball "bunny tail" (3)
Move arrows (4, 5, 6)
Rotation arcs (7, 8, 9)
Scale handles (10, 11, 12)
Extrude handles (13)
Specify a value
Command-line options


Turns gumball widgets on for selected objects.


Turns gumball widgets off.


Toggles the on/off state of the gumball widgets.

Object actions

Move, rotate, or scale objects

Copy during any operation

  1. Click any gumball arrow, arc, or scale handle.
  2. Start dragging the object.
  3. Tap the Alt to toggle copy mode on.
  4. Tap the Alt again to turn off copy mode.

Specify a distance, rotation angle, or scale factor

  1. Click any gumball arrow, arc, or scale handle.
  2. In the edit box, type a distance, rotation angle or scale factor that will be applied to the selected object.

Copy with numeric input

Use distance and angle constraint

Normal Rhino distance and angle constraints can be used during a gumball operation.

  1. Start dragging an object.
  2. Type a number, and press Enter.
    This number appears on the command line and is used to constrain a distance or angle of rotation.
  3. Drag the object.
    Distances are constrained along the axis arrow line.
    Angles are constrained in increments of the angle around the rotation arc.

Extrude a curve or surface

  1. Click and drag any gumball arrow on a planar curve or surface.
  2. Press and hold Command ⌘.
  3. Release the mouse button.
    The result is an open extrusion. To create a solid, Cap the result.

To extrude a specific distance

  1. Start dragging a planar curve or surface.
  2. With the mouse button down, type a distance and press Enter.
    This number appears on the command line and will constrain the distance.
  3. Press and hold Command ⌘ and release the mouse button.
    The result is an open extrusion. To create a solid, Cap the result.

Gumball widget location and orientation

To move, rotate, or scale the gumball widget controls freely

To move rotate, or scale the gumball widget controls with numeric control

  1. Press and hold Command ⌘ and click any gumball arrow, arc, or scale control.
  2. In the edit box, type a distance, rotation angle or scale factor that will be applied to the gumball control.

Relocate Gumball

  1. Press Command ⌘ and click the gumball widget (ignore the text field).
  2. Release Command ⌘ and start dragging to relocate the gumball widget.

Status bar options

To access the status bar menu


Gumball On

Turns the gumball widget on any time objects are selected.

Gumball Off

Disables auto gumball.

Align to CPlane

Gumball widgets align to the construction plane.

Align to Object

Gumball widgets align to the object direction for:


Free-form top-level objects

The gumball aligns with the construction plane with its origin at the object's centroid.

Curve control points

The gumball z direction (blue arrow) aligns with the curve normal.

The gumball x direction (red arrow) aligns with the curve tangent.

Surface control points

The gumball z direction (blue arrow) aligns with the surface normal.

The gumball x direction (red arrow) aligns with the surface u direction.

Align to World

Gumball widgets align to world xyz directions.

Snappy Dragging

Object snaps are used when dragging.

Smooth Dragging

Object snaps are ignored when dragging.

Rotate View Around Gumball

Rotate both the view camera and view target at the gumball origin when rotating the view.

Set Drag Strength

Sets the amount of the gumball drag as a percentage of mouse movement to control the speed of the gumball movement. The default 100% moves the gumball normally with the mouse.

To fine-tune placing objects (such as with control point editing) set the strength lower, so large hand/mouse movements result in smaller gumball changes.

Setting the strength to greater than 100% speeds up the gumball movement.


Opens Gumball options.

Menu ball options

To access the menu ball options

Relocate gumball

Drag to relocate gumball widget away from its default position.

Reset gumball

Restores the default placement and orientation for the gumball.

Align to CPlane
Align to Object
Align to World
Snappy Dragging
Smooth Dragging
Set Drag Strength

Related commands


Toolbar Menu

Organic toolbar

Not on menus.

The DragStrength command sets the amount of drag strength for Gumball and for dragging objects, including control points.

The command when the control is open the drag strength can be set numerically, or using the spinners or the slider. The spinners halve or double the drag strength per click. When the control is closed, drag strength is reset to 100%. However, the control remembers its setting within an editing session and will reset the drag strength when the control is reopened.


Toolbar Menu


Not on menus.

The RelocateGumball command moves the gumball widget origin and orientation on an object.

Another way to move relocate the gumball is to press and hold Command ⌘ to drag the gumball widget rather than the object.


  1. Pick a location for the gumball origin.
    Press Enter to reset the gumball y and z axes automatically based on the active viewport construction plane and the x axis direction.
  2. Pick a location the gumball x axis direction.
  3. Pick a point to specify the gumball y axis orientation.
  4. Release Command ⌘ use object snaps to place the widget at a snap location.

See also

Move objects

Transform objects

Gumball Videos




Rhino for Mac © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 24-Oct-2017